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Trade, Integration and Economic Growth:

Productive upgrading pathways

Is your economy leveraging its existing capabilities to unlock higher-value industries? Are you prepared to navigate the challenges of moving up the global value chain? How can insights from international trade dynamics and the product space help you identify strategic opportunities for diversification and growth?

Enhancing the sophistication of productive activities in an economy is not trivial. Productive upgrading requires a nuanced understanding of existing capabilities, strategic foresight, and the ability to adapt to global market dynamics whilst leveraging strategic territorial advantages. Our team combines cutting-edge expertise in international trade, territorial economic productivity, and spatial analysis to create actionable pathways for diversification and growth. We develop integrated strategies to boost productive complexity leveraging a multidisciplinary team of economists, urban planners, infrastructure specialists, geographers, and GIS experts. This holistic approach ensures that our upgrading strategies are not only economically sound but also spatially coherent and implementable.

Our services 

  • Territorial Economic Profiling

  • Integration, Trade and Commerce

  • Market Dynamics Analysis

  • High-Value Transition Strategies

  • Multi-Dimensional Upgrading Feasibility Assessment

Leveraging data-driven multi-sectoral insights, we help policymakers make informed decisions to foster innovation, attract investment, and create high-value employment opportunities. Our productive upgrading pathways are tailored to your country-specific context, aiming to enhance your position in the global economy and pave the way for sustainable, long-term economic growth.

Your economy has untapped potential to diversify and boost productive complexity. We can help you navigate the pathways to its realization.

Considering the territory as a driver of productive upgrading

Targeting interventions aimed at boosting the competitiveness of economic activities in a region or country require an understanding of where these activities occur. Even the most ambitious national economic strategies struggle with practical implementability when they are not conceived at the outset to build on territorial factors that influence the viability of different economic sectors. This is exactly why clients report that our territorial approach towards productive upgrading brings so much value.

Proven track record of guiding regional and national growth strategies

Our extensive experience in helping a variety of Latin American economies at various levels of development navigate economic growth and productive transformation opportunities over the past decade serves as evidence of the efficacy of our multidisciplinary approach. Whether at a regional or national level, our expertise in guiding productive transitions is tailored to the unique context of the territory in which we operate. 

Keep up to date with relevant global developments influencing productive transformation opportunities for countries

Geopolitical uncertainties are driving a significant shift away from China as the primary export platform for the US market – repositioning global manufacturing. GeoAdaptive research has revealed that since December 2017, there has been a marked shift in the structure of US imports – moving away from China to multiple other countries around the world. Key takeaways for potential beneficiary economies:


  • Integration into GVCs was found to drive locational attractiveness for relocating manufacturing

  • Economic complexity was positively associated with the size of gains from repositioned manufacturing as well as GVC participation

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Discover our complementary services

Discover How Our Value Chain and Economic Development Services Drive National Growth.

Explore our innovative approaches to enhancing value chains and fostering territorial economic development.

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