GeoAdaptive offers various GeoSpatial Solutions subscription products. Our line of products includes data enrichment solutions (DataXLat), cloud-based geospatial visualization and indicator platform (Devio) and climate vulnerability analytics (AdaptKid). These products offer our client the necessary support to aid decision making, monitor development progress and advance actions on the ground.
Explore and analyze location-based problems across development contexts with our unique set of solutions.

DeVio -The Development Visualization Observatory focuses on addressing an enduring challenge for development practitioners: data is scarce, and when found is outdated and usually reported only in national aggregates. Yet, decisions frequently need to be made for subnational programs and based on current information.
AdapKIT helps businesses, communities, and homeowners get climate ready. The tool provides the insights clients need to assess their vulnerability to extreme natural events, and provides risk reduction strategies through a customized set of adaptation measures prioritized according to their specific needs, opportunities and risks.
Data XLat
Data XLat is a research and development initiative that creates and adapts data science technologies and procedures in order to acquire, manage and visualize big data. By creating an integrated Latin American database, the initiative seeks to empower our teams, our clients and the public sector.
DevelopExplorer is an easy-to-use web interface that lets users create maps and reports to illustrate, analyze, and understand infrastructure, social, economic and environmental conditions. Development Explorer offers a rich and detailed geographic and statistical database and interactive visualization capabilities, with built-in analytics that enhance regional development studies and allow decision-makers to prioritize their efforts.